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How to be more sustainable this Holiday Season: 10 Tips

How to be more sustainable this Holiday Season: 10 Tips

If buying new holiday lights, make sure they are LED. Not only do they use a lot less energy, but they are also less of a fire risk than incandescent lights.

Shop Local! There will be ubiquitous cardboard boxes being delivered all over New Canaan this holiday season. Why not break from the new normal and visit our local downtown for holiday gifts. Helps cut down on shipping waste and helps our local stores. Gift certificates to local restaurants and experiences are always a great gift.

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Time to Make Our Events More Sustainable? Let’s Start with the Popular St. Mark’s May Fair!

Time to Make Our Events More Sustainable? Let’s Start with the Popular St. Mark’s May Fair!

Finally, we are all starting to gather. No doubt your calendar is filling up with weddings, graduations, galas, and plain old social gatherings with friends and families. And best yet, just around the corner is what was my kids’ annual favorite
yes, St. Mark’s May...

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Leaf Blowers: A Triple Threat

Leaf Blowers: A Triple Threat

During these challenging cold winter days, do you notice an unusual quiet outside? Bet you don’t miss the constant hum, or should I say, roar, of multiple landscapers blowing leaves, cut grasses, twigs and whatever in your neighborhood?  Winter offers some advantages...

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Here are some of our favorite native plants for attracting hummingbirds. Plus consider annuals, although not native, annuals offer lots of nectar and blooms all summer. Native Perennials and Shrubs * Trumpet Creeper, Campsis radicans* Oswego Tea, Monarda didyma*...

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